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It's Time to Capture Your Vision

This journal is designed for you to capture every thought and idea that gives breath to your life, without worrying about writing or presenting it perfectly. This notebook is for your eyes only and it encourages you to ‘color outside of the lines’. 


Many ideas, insights, and epiphanies come to us in raw form and we need to honor them in whatever state they come. They may come from a small voice inside you, songs, books, blogs, poetry, pictures, sermons…record it! They will never become polished until they are first acknowledged. We will never grow a tree if we don’t first honor the seed.


I invite you to write horizontally, diagonally, up and down, however it comes to you. Add pictures, quotes, sayings, good advice, symbols…ANYTHING that will get you fired up to live a life of color and purpose.



The My ‘I AM’ Journey Self-Study Course

The My ‘I AM’ Journey Self-Study Course is designed to show you step-by-step how to discover and clarify: how you are wired, what matters most to you, your mission, passions, intrinsic drivers, and how they shape you and your life’s purpose.


This course will show you how to create and utilize awareness tools and processes to help you live in alignment with your unique destiny. Participants in this course are often astonished by the awareness and clarity they are able to operate in when they have uncovered and embraced who they are at their core.


It is encouraging to know that you do not have to manufacture or conjure up your life’s purpose because who you were called to be is already inside of you. Your purpose is your birthright. This is why you were born THIS WAY, with certain inclinations and proclivities, rather than being born THAT WAY! Your gender, ethnicity, gifts, talents, weaknesses, and how you communicate are all characteristics that make you perfect for your distinct purpose.


The following processes were put together to help you discover (or rediscover) those characteristics, your true identity, and how to begin the process of truly LETTING YOUR LIFE SPEAK! It’s Time!

Helpful Discovery Links:


Create a seamless mission statement utilizing this tool:


Gain clarity about the stages, phases, peaks and valleys of your life's journey:


Discover your strengths with this detailed assessment:

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